Let’s kick off Student Council Week with Leaders in the Spotlight March 9-13, 2020. Dress up as either choice each day because it is time to join one of the most active clubs on Northwood’s campus! Student Council Week is a time to learn all about StuCo and sign up to be considered for this prestigious group. Make sure to pick up a form from Mrs. Johnson’s door in room 3F that week and turn them in to her by Friday, March 13. Don’t miss out on this opportunity!
The dress up days are as followed:
Monday- Friday Night Lights (jocks) vs. Revenge of the Nerds (nerds)
Tuesday- Outsiders (50s) vs. Breakfast Club (80s)
Wednesday- Urban Cowboy (cowboys) vs. The Dreamers (hippies)
Thursday- All Eyez on Me (rappers) vs. Rock of Ages (rockers)
Friday- Bring it on (spirit attire)