As most of us are aware of at this time, Governor Edwards has signed an executive order that has closed all public schools across our state. In an effort to follow this mandate while also supporting and meeting the needs of our students, a plan for virtual learning has been put in place per our district. District leaders, led by Dr. Goree, Mr. Wall/Admin, and our teachers are all working together to most effectively serve our students while also keeping everyone safe and healthy. For the week of March 16-20 and then March 30-April 30, teachers will provide virtual learning opportunities for all students. Caddo Parish will still observe our Spring Break holiday from March 23-27.
Most of our teachers and students already use, and are familiar with, Google Classroom and Remind. Teachers will communicate with students and post modified assignments/lessons through these formats. Teachers are fully aware this is an unprecedented circumstance, and want to work with all students to ensure they have adequate time and materials to complete their learning. Most of our students have access to cell phones where Google Classroom and Remind can be accessed. A teacher will work with you over email, or other formats available, if necessary. If a student’s teacher already uses Google Classroom, your student does NOT need to re-join with a code. The only reason a student should join a class is if that teacher is now using Google Classroom for this situation and your student has not joined his or her class before this point. Please feel free to email your student’s teacher any further questions.
A list of teachers’ contact information, class codes and virtual learning office hours is posted below. The list below is the information we have available at this time. Teachers will post assignments, handouts, information, etc. while also returning emails or calls during their virtual learning office hours, which are posted in the pdf below. If you do not see a teacher’s information in the main form, scroll down to the bottom of this post to see a list of individual teacher information forms.
Thank you so much for your understanding and patience during this sensitive situation. It takes all of us working together to ensure we do what is best for our students, faculty/staff, administration and community as a whole.
It will still, as always, be a great day to be a Falcon.
Information for Accessing Unique at Home:
(These links pertain to students in Coach Howell’s class.)
Link to JROTC Announcements and Assignments:
Freshmen Counselor Information- Ms. Ungela Jackson
Ms. Green’s Virtual Learning Information
Coach Garsee’s Google Classroom Information
Coach Baker’s Information
Mrs. Brix’s Information
Coach Watson’s Information
Mrs. Bruce’s MasteryPrep Online Course Information:
Jasper Interactive for IBCA
Coach Mason’s Virtual Learning Codes