By: Lily Drach and Christian Blackmon
Rodeo competitors: tough, fast, and strong willed, these riders are known for their award winning runs and animal companions. So what does a Rodeo competitor do inside the arena? Let’s ask one ourselves. Meet Emma Walker, a freshman Falcon and local horseback rider and national rodeo competitor.
When speaking with Emma, we asked her the most pressing questions on our audience’s minds, such as her biggest achievement and her riding events. When asked about her riding career, she informed us that she has been riding “since [she] was like four, so ten years.” She believes her biggest achievement to date was when she won “second in the world for pole-bending.” After winning at the National Little Britches Rodeo, Emma is currently ranked second in the world. She is talented in many different styles of riding such as Barrels, Poles and Breakaway. So who are the animals she wins all these awards with? Well, she has a team consisting of horses named Eddy, Max, Nifty and Sully.
Congratulations to Emma, and good luck in your future at the rodeo!