Blanchard — Northwood Sophomore Amber Wilson attended “All Things Flute,” a masterclass and workshop hosted by the Louisiana Tech School of Music, the Louisiana Tech Concert Association, and Miyazawa Flutes on January 14-15.
The event featured Miyazawa Performing Artist Dr. Terry Sánchez, Assistant Professor of Flute at Bowling Green State University. Louisiana Tech Concert Association’s second show of the year coincided with the event, and featured Baroque flutist and recording artist Emi Ferguson and Ruckus, an early music ensemble.
While at the Flute Workshop, Amber had the opportunity to play in a flute choir that performed on Saturday evening as part of a recital by Dr. Sanchez. She also attended an instrument maintenence/repair seminar provided by The Carolyn Nussbaum Company from Dallas, Texas.
Upon graduation, Amber would like to pursue a degree in either Music Education or Music Performance.